
2018 Changes to the MOT: What You Need to Know

by Hagerty
23 April 2018 3 min read
2018 Changes to the MOT: What You Need to Know
1978 Alfa Romeo Spider

On 20th May 2018 the MOT system is changing, with new regulations for Vehicles of Historical Interest (VHIs) over 40 years old. This article is intended to highlight those changes, clarify what action needs to be taken by owners, and show where additional information can be found.

MOT Exemption

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One of the biggest changes for classic vehicle owners is that VHIs over 40 years old may be exempt from annual MOT testing, as long as they have not been ‘substantially changed’ in the past 30 years. Critically, the exemption will not be automatic, even for cars already exempt (pre-1960) and those registered in the Historic Vehicles tax class. Owners must therefore declare an exemption every time they tax a VHI; details of how to do this are below.

What constitutes ‘substantial change’?

To qualify for an exemption to MOT testing, the VHI must not have been ‘substantially changed’ in the past 30 years, in a major component area of chassis, axles & running gear, or engine. More information is here, but in general if the changes have been made to improve safety, are using replacement parts of the same design as original, or using the same basic engine design, then these are not considered substantial. Therefore, the following examples would not be considered substantial:

  • MGB â€˜Heritage’ bodyshell (same design as original).
  • Replace original Alfa 1300cc 4-cylinder Nord engine with 2000cc 4-cylinder Nord
  • Install later front disc brakes on early VW Type 2 (safety upgrade)

However, the following examples would be considered substantial:

  • MGB re-bodied as a racing special.
  • Replacing Alfa Nord engine with an Alfa V6 Busso engine (different cylinder capacity)
  • Installing substantially different axle or suspension (Porsche on a VW, for example).

The responsibility for ensuring a declared VHI meets the criteria falls on the owner as part of his or her due diligence. If they are not sure of the status, owners are encouraged to speak to their respective owners’ clubs or find an expert through the FBHVC website.

What constitutes ‘40 years old’?

The Government website is not clear on this matter: on one page of the website it states 40 years from the day it was first registered; on another 40 years from the date of manufacture. We’re checking with the FBHVC legal compliance team and will update this article shortly. 

How to claim for VHI Exemption

An owner must declare an exemption when renewing their vehicle tax. As before, if your classic is moving into the Historic Tax band, then the application must be made at a Post Office using the appropriate form. The first time a car is declared as exempt for MOT testing, a form V112 must be used.


Whether a vehicle is MOT-exempt or not, it remains the owner’s legal responsibility to keep the car roadworthy, and those who do not risk fines and points on their license, not to mention a risk to their safety and those of other road users. Owners may voluntarily put their car through an MOT even if exempt.

Vehicles other than cars

Historic lorries, coaches, kit cars and similar are not exempt from the MOT check. The site states that guidance for motorcycles will be issued separately.

Other changes

The other main change to the test is the inclusion of new categories of problems identified. These are:

  • Dangerous. Don’t drive.
  • Major. Repair immediately.
  • Minor. Repair as soon as possible.
  • Advisory. Monitor and repair if necessary
  • Pass. No problem identified.

Hagerty’s View

Hagerty has to look at this issue as both enthusiasts and professional insurance providers. As the former, we want to keep as many safe, older vehicles on the road as possible. As the latter, the legal requirement to maintain the car to a roadworthy standard would probably be investigated by the underwriter should a significant claim be made. While we will not require exempt classic vehicles to have an MOT, we believe it is a good idea for owners to have their VHIs MOT tested on a regular basis and recommend an annual service by a reputable garage for peace of mind.

A PDF of the detailed changes for historic vehicles is provided by the DVLA here.

Hagerty’s article on the existing (pre-May 2018) regulations is here.

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  • Portstewart says:

    Are the new rules approved for Northern Ireland ? In particular, the rolling 40 year rule For MOT exemption

  • Reigate says:

    Good summary, but Historic Lorries may be exempt, as long as they are not used for commercial purposes.

  • Surrey UK says:

    In the FBHVC issue 1. 2018 Section 7 of the roadworthness testing, it states ” is of a type no longer in production”. Does this mean a ’72 Range Rover or a ’75 Morgan 4/4 will still need a MOT?

  • Surrey says:

    Thanks for the update. I’ve got a 1978 Triumph stag & a Ford cortina MK2 on a 1967. I’ll still be taking them for their annual mot regardless of the exemption. Best be safe then sorry & most importantly the up keep off my cars. Regards KS Randhawa

  • Chester says:

    Hello After reading the the above I remain somewhat confused, as on the the Government’s own website, it states, that cars, vans, motorcycles and other light passenger vehicles will be exempt from MOT on the 31st of May 2018, again if not substantially modified. Regards Confused.

  • Northern Ireland says:

    As you probably know the MOT situation is different in NI (no private garages involved, only government agency testing and only after 4 years old – EU norm I believe). Although vehicle licensing was taken over by Swansea, it is still not possible to register a car as a new keeper with a NI address without a paper copy of the insurance certificate, on-line is OK for renewal however. In addition the new regulations for Historic Vehicles and the MoT are not changing in NI. It will still be a requirement to have an annual MOT unless the vehicle was “manufactured or registered” before 1 January 1960. This is confusing as no guidance is available from the DVANI on how to claim exemption from the MOT. Historic vehicles are currently recognised on the 40 year rolling age basis as that is controlled by Swansea, but our Agency when spoken to on the phone seem not to have a clue as to how to go about exemption from MOT. My vehicle was manufactured in 1959 according to its BMIHT certificate, but only registered in March 1960 and I was seeking guidance from our Agency – without any success! There is mention on the NIDirect website of form V112, but the NI Agency seems not to know how it should be used. Do I ignore the MOT expiry date in July 2018, which will pre-date the “re-tax” date of May 2019? Having said all that, I think I will probably get a “voluntary” MOT check done and hope we have the situation sorted by this time next year! Some hope!

  • UK says:

    Hi I have a 1977 Porsche 911 Targa, was modified to a wide body all steel soft top in 1984 and engine changed to the 3.2 at the time. Registered here five years ago what would my situation be although I would always get an MOT for saftey sakes

  • NN113RF says:

    I would still like to present my car annually for an MOT what criteria would be applied partially re emissions? Or would I be better to claim an exemption and just have a third party safety check?

  • Berkshire RG18 says:

    For the price of an MOT it is still a negligible cost for peace of mind and to ensure safety all round . I feel it will only be a matter of time before something drastic will happen with some idiot and a rot box whereby the whole MOT situation for VHIs will be reviewed and will go completely the other way.

  • Preston Lancashire says:

    When the Mot changed for older vehicles I did discuss this with Hagerty and we agreed –it seems daft that the rules are relaxed-for older vehicles —I understand the newer Mot for 3 year old vehicles bears no relationship to the older car needs —-but would it not be better to have them with “a legal invoice “–for a “roadworthy annual inspection” by a recommended person ? would cost the same as an Mot —-any reply?

  • WEST SUSSEX says:

    Having got two classic cars 1971 / 1974 I will still be having them MOT EVERY YEAR because even after a year things like brake hoses can perish or other things can seize up if the car is not used much during that year, I just like the peace of mind when driving them around in a safe condition that includes the body area too.

  • Hertfordshire says:

    You have not indicated in your article – ‘How to claim for VHI exemption’ what you do if your car is already over 40 years old. How do I deal with this re the DVLA as my car is currently 46 years old – I’ve never had to use form V112. I cant help feeling your article is wanting!!!!

  • newark says:

    The MOT is an independent check of your vehicle once a year to check if the owner has missed a gradually increasing problem creeping up on Him or Her. Most owners are responsible but there is always an odd bad apple and I believe the decision is wrong.

  • Stockport says:

    This appears to be yet another hotchpotch concocted by civil servants who don’t understand classic cars or their owners. My Lotus Elan was possibly built from a kit originally – some were assembled at the factory; some by franchisees; some by other garages and some by their new owners with help from friends. So does a Lotus Elan fall into the “kit car” category? Where exactly is the line drawn between minor and major changes? The interpretation of this clause looks likely to be a cause of considerable problems. Several Elans have had power train modifications, eg five speed gearboxes, Rotoflex couplings replaced by CV joints or other types of driveshafts, fuel injection or new carburettors, different camshafts etc. Also, bigger front discs and calipers. Does the DfT plan to appoint a team of inspectors to operate throughout Britain inspecting classic cars in order to determine whether they comply with the “minor changes” criteria and issuing certificates. What happens if an owner or restorer subsequently makes a major change? What happens to cars that are determined to have received “major modifications”? Who, if anyone, in the classic car industry was consulted prior to publication? As another correspondent remarked, it may only take one serious mistake that results in loss of life or life-changing injury for this scheme to be discredited and probably scrapped. I suggest strongly the DfT thinks again!

  • Helston Cornwall TR13 8UR says:

    Await comments

  • West Sussex says:

    I was certain that the insurance companies, quite rightly in my opinion, wouldn’t be too keen on the MOT exemptions. And so it is thus. I also have a distrust of government in these matters and feel it is only a matter of time before VHI registered cars will suffer additional restrictions on use. On both counts above I consider it necessary to 1) continue to have my Hillman Imp MOT’d annually and 2) will therefore NOT apply for VHI. You have been warned !

  • Uk says:

    I have a 1962 morris mini super. Now known to be the rarest of minis My car is showroom condition. The mk1 mini super was released 3 months before the Cooper. And 95 percent original And just past new mot I will still take the car for mot regardless Of becoming exempt from mot test Mot exempt is a good thing. For those That are experienced in all the knowledge of vintage historic cars For those not experienced. Should take the car for voluntary mot test.this is going to be very interesting In may when. As a lot are against it ?

  • Dorset says:

    This has a darker side, what is to stop car dealers selling rot boxes to joe public,at high prices. And the unsuspecting driver Insuring them and driving them until the accident happens! Who is to blame ? The dealer No The insurer No The DVLA No It’s the man in the street who always wanted that Classic Car, who paid over the top for it.And likes to take it out on sunny days. Like all of us The MOT may only be a snap shot of condition but you can check back with the DVLA for its history of pass or fail, giving you a better understanding of its life. I know a lot of us have a good understanding of our classic cars and a like but this I feel is wrong. Keep the inderpendent checks by MOT to keep our hobby safe. MOT every time.

  • Kent says:

    I own a 1956 Anglia It has been heavily modified but the log book is correct engine size. I have a current Mot will I have to worry about being banned of the road , will it be treated as a kit car and as long as the Mot is current I will be Ok? Cheers Gareth

  • Southampton says:

    I am an owner of many classic cars. My day job, is as a Garage MOT station owner. I have been an MOT tester, for 30 odd years now and I can not believe, that the DfT have brought in this ruling. I along with most of the motor trade in the consultation was against the idea. I think it was about 80% against. So who knows why they still went ahead with it?. I have been looking into, offering a classic car, safety check. This would be carried out by qualified MOT testers, but with out the bureaucracy. Do you as insurer’s, think this would have any standing. Or would it be better to just MOT annually?

  • Leamington Spa says:

    On my renwal with the insurance this year with Hagerty I was asked to send pictures of my 1971 Austin Healey, which is a good indicator of the condition of the car you are insuring and its authenticity along with body and engine numbers. I have a 1984 Spider Europa Pininfarina in Portugal what they are doing here is one off inspection by a IMT (MOT) Inspector which then lasts for 4 years which is a good idea ?

  • newport shropshire says:

    I have studied the DVLA guidance in the past with a view to creating an article for our club magazine to help the members. There was a bit of a lightbulb moment when I read your interpretation of how to apply. You are suggesting that there is a requirement to apply at initial tax renewal time after May 20 or when vehicle is 40 years old and every tax renewal thereafter! This was not my initial interpretation – I thought the one off application was all that was required? Re reading the DVLA guidance it could be interpreted either way.

  • UK says:

    The Hagerty “What you need to know” indicates that the 40 years exemption is calculated by reference to the date of first registration, and not the date of construction. I think that is wrong. See This is particularly relevant for ex-military vehicles such as lightweight Landrovers, which may have been given a civilian registration years after they were constructed.

  • Yorkshire says:

    In most areas of life we, and particularly bureaucratic bodies, have become more risk averse and safety conscious, yet stopping the requirement for an MoT for cars over 40 years old is a move in the opposite direction. Owners who look after their own cars or just take them to a garage for an oil change and quick check is not the same as an MoT. Can the minister who made this decision be held responsible when an unroadworthy MoT excempt car is involved in a serious accident?

  • east sussex says:

    unmodified motorcycles are exempt too.

  • Sussex says:

    I have two old cars and always have them MOT tested, how else can one be sure that the brakes work on all four wheels and are balanced for example. I am certain that in the event of an accident underwriters will investigate the roadworthiness of a vehicle if it is MOT exempt. People who run old cars and do not properly look after them risk giving the whole movement a bad name.

  • Surrey says:

    In answer to number 18 post. common sense hopefully would prevail. That if you were going to buy a classic or any other vehicle for that matter and had no idea of what you were looking at surly you would get an engineers report as you would a survey when buying a house. As for MOT tests being a time served mechanic and worked on classics before they were classics, I know my Stag inside out and I believe better than most MOT testers of today as do many owners in the SOC club, but I do accept that there are owners that do not have the knowledge to care for their cars and I hope in all sincerity that they have the common sense to entrust their pride and joy to someone who does.

  • UK says:

    Thank you sincerely for all the comments. We’ve updated the article to clarify a few points made, and are discussing the date of manufacture vs date of first registration, plus the NI situation, with the FBHVC. We’ll publish an addendum when we know more.

  • Norfolk says:

    I seem to recall that MOT certs are ‘not a certificate of roadworthiness’, or has this changed. I will not be wasting money on a useless MOT but someone who has no mechanical knowledge should take their car for one. I will record my annual and other services on my 1970 car so in event of an accident it can be seen to be well looked after. On my recent MOT for my Elise the mechanic said, ‘I cant do a visual inspection because I cant see anything’ It has a completely flat under body and most components are hidden! What use is that for safety?!!

  • United Kingdom says:

    2nd question today regrading my 1972 stag.if I decided to carry on with MOT does this affect the road tax status?

  • Newcastle upon Tyne says:

    You say the following : “we believe it is a good idea for owners to have their VHIs MOT tested on a regular basis”. Could you please elaborate on what you class as Regular (annual, bi-annual?)

  • Devon says:

    My 1931 Morris 5cwt Light Van has always been exempt from a MOT. How do these new rules affect it?

  • hampshire says:

    NOWHERE ON FORM V112 PART 1 FROM PARTS a through to n has any mention of cars over 40 years old so how on earth are we supposed to use this exemption in it,s present format?

  • Dorset says:

    I have just tried to get the Form V112 from the DVLA web site and find it has not been updated to include cars registered before Jan 1978, it still shows the Category (o) 1960 date. with no other options that include exempt 1978 cars.

  • Isle of man says:

    Thanks for keeping us up to date motor cycles are important to me

  • Essex says:

    I have a car 1974 the mot run out last week but the tax is not due till november what do i do in the meantime is it legal to use??

  • Southwest says:

    If a car has been declared vhi , and is insured and tax exempt ie over 40 years old, is it possible to get a registration number transferred to a newer vehicle?

  • Michigan says:


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    Hi Guys! I am writing to introduce our SEO company to you as I really feel that you and could benefit from one of our tailored Vape and CBD SEO backlink packages. Creative Bear Tech is a relatively small SEO company with a personal approach that is presently working exclusively with Vape and CBD brands. We have over 20 large vape, cannabis and CBD companies as our long-term clients. We have offices in the UK and the Baltic States with 20 people working with us. I feel that you could really benefit from our vape and CBD SEO package just like our current clients have done. During the course of the last 7 years, we have tremendously grown our resources and knowledge of the vaping and CBD industries. We have also been busy testing and refining SEO backlinking strategies. We have found an SEO sweet spot and have created a custom backlink package that contains everything that you need to rank your site. We really value transparency and this is precisely why we have laid out what you would get with your package and explained the thought process behind each task and how it will help you to achieve traffic and sales. We understand the industry, SEO and what works and what does not. If you are looking to go big and leave the “small timers'” lane, I suggest that you give this package some serious thought. You can view the entire SEO backlinks package here: Note of caution: I will be taking on 5 more serious clients as this is exactly what we have the resources for. I look forward to working with you! Regards

  • a point or extent in space says:

    Global Vape Company Email List of Vape Shops and Vape Wholesalers and E-Liquid Distributors — Did you know that there are over 53,000 vape companies around the world that you can contact today? Whether you run an e-liquid line or a vape wholesale business, these vape company emails can help you to reach practically all vape companies with your message. Are you tired from not making enough B2B sales to vape shops and vape wholesalers? Do you find most of your marketing to be unproductive? Do you want to take your vape business to the next level and start exploding your sales? Here is the secret sauce that has helped over 500 e-liquid brands and wholesalers from around the world since 2012! Some ejuice companies have even tried to buy us out because they felt that the accessibility of this list was putting them against a lot of competition from smaller vape companies and e-liquid brands! This hopefully helps to illustrate just how powerful this vape company email list is! Download a sample: What Does the CBD and Vape Company Email List Contain? — CBD and Vape Company email addresses. This covers virtually all the vape and CBD-related businesses in the world. The entire list contains: – Vape shop emails – E-Liquid company emails – CBD Brand emails – CBD shop emails – Vape and CBD wholesalers and manufacturers – CBD and Vape Blog emails – Much More! How was the CBD and Vape Company Email List Compiled? — Our tech wizards are constantly running our proprietary search engine scraper on uber powerful dedicated servers with thousands of private proxies to scrape the following sources for CBD and vape company emails: – Google maps – Yellow Pages, Yelp and other business directories – Popular Search Engines (Google, Bing, Yandex, Yahoo, and 5 others) Additionally, since our vape and cbd company email list has become a huge success, our team is regularly attending all the major vape and CBD exhibitions around the world where they meet business owners and incorporate the contact details into our CBD and vape company email list. How does the ordering Process Work? — Simply purchase the B2B marketing email list and check out. Your CBD and vape company email list will be available for download in your member’s area upon check out. All the future updates will be automatically uploaded to your member’s area by our system. — You may also be interested in the below lists for expanding our CBD business: Health Food Shops Email List – B2B Mailing List of Health Shops Global Vape Shop Database and Vape Store Email List

  • a point or extent in space says:

    Good Evening We are reaching out to you to see whether you would be interested in featuring your vape/CBD brand and on Vape Life Mag, a lifestyle magazine covering the latest vape and CBD product reviews, industry news and guides. Vape Life Mag presently receives in excess of 50,000 highly-targeted monthly visitors from the United States and the United Kingdom. We have managed to achieve this by running a highly successful vape and CBD blog where we regularly publish quality content. We can feature your brand by publishing your guest post on our magazine along with a do follow permanent backlink. This will help you to build your brand, site traffic and natural search engine rankings. Please note, we do charge a £500 fee for the publication of a guest post. If you are interested, please contact us via our website contact form on This is an excellent opportunity to kick-start your digital marketing in the face of the fierce competition and the advertising restrictions facing the vape and CBD industries. We look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards Vape Life Mag Editorial Team

  • a point or extent in space says:

    Hi Guys! I am writing to introduce our SEO company to you as I really feel that you and could benefit from one of our tailored Vape and CBD SEO backlink packages. Creative Bear Tech is a relatively small SEO company with a personal approach that is presently working exclusively with Vape and CBD brands. We have over 20 large vape, cannabis and CBD companies as our long-term clients. We have offices in the UK and the Baltic States with 20 people working with us. I feel that you could really benefit from our vape and CBD SEO package just like our current clients have done. During the course of the last 7 years, we have tremendously grown our resources and knowledge of the vaping and CBD industries. We have also been busy testing and refining SEO backlinking strategies. We have found an SEO sweet spot and have created a custom backlink package that contains everything that you need to rank your site. We really value transparency and this is precisely why we have laid out what you would get with your package and explained the thought process behind each task and how it will help you to achieve traffic and sales. We understand the industry, SEO and what works and what does not. If you are looking to go big and leave the “small timers'” lane, I suggest that you give this package some serious thought. You can view the entire SEO backlinks package here: Note of caution: I will be taking on 5 more serious clients as this is exactly what we have the resources for. I look forward to working with you! Regards

  • a point or extent in space says:

    Good Evening We are reaching out to you to see whether you would be interested in featuring your vape/CBD brand and on Vape Life Mag, a lifestyle magazine covering the latest vape and CBD product reviews, industry news and guides. Vape Life Mag presently receives in excess of 50,000 highly-targeted monthly visitors from the United States and the United Kingdom. We have managed to achieve this by running a highly successful vape and CBD blog where we regularly publish quality content. We can feature your brand by publishing your guest post on our magazine along with a do follow permanent backlink. This will help you to build your brand, site traffic and natural search engine rankings. Please note, we do charge a £500 fee for the publication of a guest post. If you are interested, please contact us via our website contact form on This is an excellent opportunity to kick-start your digital marketing in the face of the fierce competition and the advertising restrictions facing the vape and CBD industries. We look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards Vape Life Mag Editorial Team

  • a point or extent in space says:

    Hi Guys! I am writing to introduce our SEO company to you as I really feel that you and could benefit from one of our tailored Vape and CBD SEO backlink packages. Creative Bear Tech is a relatively small SEO company with a personal approach that is presently working exclusively with Vape and CBD brands. We have over 20 large vape, cannabis and CBD companies as our long-term clients. We have offices in the UK and the Baltic States with 20 people working with us. I feel that you could really benefit from our vape and CBD SEO package just like our current clients have done. During the course of the last 7 years, we have tremendously grown our resources and knowledge of the vaping and CBD industries. We have also been busy testing and refining SEO backlinking strategies. We have found an SEO sweet spot and have created a custom backlink package that contains everything that you need to rank your site. We really value transparency and this is precisely why we have laid out what you would get with your package and explained the thought process behind each task and how it will help you to achieve traffic and sales. We understand the industry, SEO and what works and what does not. If you are looking to go big and leave the “small timers'” lane, I suggest that you give this package some serious thought. You can view the entire SEO backlinks package here: Note of caution: I will be taking on 5 more serious clients as this is exactly what we have the resources for. I look forward to working with you! Regards

  • a point or extent in space says:

    Hello guys I do a fair bit of SEO for vape and CBD companies and whilst doing some research, I found I wanted to see whether you would be interested in my vape and CBD backlinks packages? From my years of experience, I have put together an SEO package that is guaranteed to rank your site higher on Google, increase your site traffic and sales. I know it works for a fact because I have ranked 15 vape and CBD companies and they are now my long-term clients. I am trying to expand my client base in order to grow my team and resources further. Previously, I used to work for an SEO company based here in London. However, after being made redundant, I have decided to work as a freelancer. Right now, I am working with 10 CBD and 5 Vape Brands and have resources to over 2,500 high domain authority sites and resources that I use for guest posting opportunities. I offer my services at a fraction of the price to what bigger agencies charge because I have NO overheads. You can find me on a freelance site called My username is: Olga Do order me or drop me a line if you are interested. I look forward to working with you and ranking on the search engines 🙂 Thanks in advance. Kind regards

  • a point or extent in space says:

    Good Evening We are reaching out to you to see whether you would be interested in featuring your vape/CBD brand and on Vape Life Mag, a lifestyle magazine covering the latest vape and CBD product reviews, industry news and guides. Vape Life Mag presently receives in excess of 50,000 highly-targeted monthly visitors from the United States and the United Kingdom. We have managed to achieve this by running a highly successful vape and CBD blog where we regularly publish quality content. We can feature your brand by publishing your guest post on our magazine along with a do follow permanent backlink. This will help you to build your brand, site traffic and natural search engine rankings. Please note, we do charge a £500 fee for the publication of a guest post. If you are interested, please contact us via our website contact form on This is an excellent opportunity to kick-start your digital marketing in the face of the fierce competition and the advertising restrictions facing the vape and CBD industries. We look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards Vape Life Mag Editorial Team

  • a point or extent in space says:

    Hello I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to list your business with Vapetelligent, a global vape and CBD shop directory. About Vapetelligent Vapetelligent is a leading global vape and CBD shop directory that helps people from all over the world to find a local CBD/Vape shop. Presently, we receive over 50,000 unique and highly targeted monthly visitors specifically searching for CBD/Vape shops near them. The majority of our traffic comes from UK and the United States. Part of the reason of why we receive such quality traffic is because we run a specialist CBD and vape blog on our website with CBD product reviews, guides and the latest news. We aim to publish at least 10 articles a week, which is something that is really helping us to grow our site traffic organically. You can view our vape and CBD blog here: You can view all of our advertising/listing packages here: We can also do a review of your products and feature them on our blog for an additional £500. You would need to send us your products for the review to our address. You would also receive a permanent and do follow backlink which would help you with your organic search engine rankings. If you are interested in a review of your entire product line, please contact us via our contact form. Thank you for your time and I look forward to seeing you and onboard. Best wishes Vapetelligent Team

  • a point or extent in space says:

    Hi Guys! I am writing to introduce our SEO company to you as I really feel that you and could benefit from one of our tailored Vape and CBD SEO backlink packages. Creative Bear Tech is a relatively small SEO company with a personal approach that is presently working exclusively with Vape and CBD brands. We have over 20 large vape, cannabis and CBD companies as our long-term clients. We have offices in the UK and the Baltic States with 20 people working with us. I feel that you could really benefit from our vape and CBD SEO package just like our current clients have done. During the course of the last 7 years, we have tremendously grown our resources and knowledge of the vaping and CBD industries. We have also been busy testing and refining SEO backlinking strategies. We have found an SEO sweet spot and have created a custom backlink package that contains everything that you need to rank your site. We really value transparency and this is precisely why we have laid out what you would get with your package and explained the thought process behind each task and how it will help you to achieve traffic and sales. We understand the industry, SEO and what works and what does not. If you are looking to go big and leave the “small timers'” lane, I suggest that you give this package some serious thought. You can view the entire SEO backlinks package here: Note of caution: I will be taking on 5 more serious clients as this is exactly what we have the resources for. I look forward to working with you! Regards

  • a point or extent in space says:

    Hello, I have a massive Sale going on. I’m running a SEO and SPY group buy service which will reduce the cost for SEO tools dramatically. You can save 95+% from your accounts cost with my service. When you subscribe you get access to all the tools below + access to all the accounts I will add in future! Visit Here are most of the tools: Ahrefs Alexa Anstrex Ultimate – Native and Push traffic spy tool Article Builder Article Forge AudioHero Authority Labs Beacon Big Content Search Biteable Buzzsumo Canva Cognitive SEO DeepCrawl DomCop Ecomhunt eCom Inspector Envato Elements Grammarly HBO NOW Indexification iSpionage Jungle Scout KeywordKeg Keywordrevealer Laracasts LifetimeStock Long Tail Pro Lynda Majestic Pro MOZ Netflix​Pexda PowToon PicMonkey Register Compass SEO Profiler Serpstat SER Verified Lists Socialinsider Spin Rewriter SpyMetrics [SimilarWeb] SpyFu Stencil StockUnlimited Storybase TeamTreeHouse The Best Spinner Tidal VideoBlocks WebTextTool Woorank Word Ai + Free updates for freshly added tools ++ Some others Do not reply to this email, it is not monitored. >>> Visit –

  • a point or extent in space says:

    Hello, I’m contacting you to ask if you’re looking for a better link indexer. We just have left the beta test phase (GSA forum) and the feedback is excellent. As you know the old references in the field are less effective since several Google updates. This is not our case. Our service is the best for Google but also index Bing and Yandex. Our formulas are all unlimited, submissions AND number of URLs, which makes them the best companion for SEO agencies. We therefore offer you 24 hours of testing when you wish to prove that we are the best: See you soon Kaine

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