
RADwood Mega Gallery

by Hagerty
10 September 2024 1 min read
RADwood Mega Gallery

The sky may have been a little grey over Chatham Historic Dockyard in Kent, but the dayglo clothing and incredible colours of the 80s and 90s cars soon brightened things up as RADwood 2024 took over.

As the chart hits of the RAD era played out over the PA in the record fair there was a roaring trade in picture discs, while the sounds of Outrun and Sega Rally echoed in the massive boat house.

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Outside hundreds of cars told the story of two decades of magical motoring and there was something for everyone, from the tuner specials of Max Power Reunion, to family wagons and supercars. In amongst them were the shell-suited, hi-top wearing RAD fans who made the event such a success.

If you came along maybe you’ll spot yourself or your car in our mega gallery and if you didn’t just look at what you missed!


Screen machines

Modded to the Max!

Family Fun

Fast Fashion

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